11 April 2009

love in a desert


Today there was a lot of different dreams. One of them is very pleasant. As if we were a group of people traveling across the desert. I see a young man, who I like very much. We are changing views. It seems to me, he like me too. The sand around, under feet interesting vegetation found : a rare low grass casts shadows so if you look with great height on these trees. I photographed. Looking through the eyes of his, seeing as any active girl hang up on his neck. I'm giving way, I want to go faster, but to drop something out of the hands. Cannot, to raise, but some reach before me. My hand is on top of his. I am raising eyes: he is. We are on the haunches, eyes to eyes, hand in hand …)) Very erotic moment. We slowly climb up, not giving the eye and not leaving hands. He is higher then me more than a head. We are moving forward with the group, runs some tunnels, slopes, climbs the hillsof sand. We are staying in any large empty house, like a school. He begins to ring me in the dance, I feel myself so small next to him. He separates me from the ground and circled in the air, holding me waist so that our eyes in front of each other. I feel his strong arms, shoulders, back under him clothes so real! I feel the smell of his skin. I am head over heels in love! We are folling in love! The long-forgotten feeling ..)))

P.S. This young man has dreamed me before. When I got the book Bradley Thompson “Informed dream for seven days”, I immediately start to practice. I saw informed dream in the first day. Inexpressible feeling! I will write more later. And on the seventh day it had a guy who I saw in a dream today. Here are just a perception, it was somewhat sad.


Large spacious apartment, a noisy company, celebrate the New Year. We find ourselves with him in a separate room, sitting on the floor opposite each other. We talk about something, laugh, it`s very interesting to us to be together. Somebody knock in a door and call us to enjoy, but we remain. We can`t satiable company of each other. Eyes are burning, both filled of that sense of recognition of the approximation of love. Then we walked together of the high bank of the sea. Autumn. Coast entire large hills from the sand. I failed, he pull me. We are so happy! Everything seems so real. We are again in the same room, when suddenly I realize that this is a dream!The picture begins to gradually disappear, like a thaw. I cling to each image, trying to hold. I know for sure that it was all in my life! I just make sure of that! Again, try to check - this is a dream or not. I scream: “Is that all a lie!? Mom! Is all a lie? Is this not have been?!” And so I become sick from this, that I feel so strong hurt in the heart! I weep bitterly. Wake up in tears.

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