22 March 2009

naked in the cave


I dream big cave in the rock, filled with warm clean water. So paradise place. Lagoon with curly lianas and floating water lilies. And this is my home where I live. Instead of doors are such lianas. The whole situation in a modern apartment, but everything is under water - a sofa, bar, table, furniture... I am moving there by swimming absolutely naked. Surprisingly, beautiful guy coming to the door and ask for visit. I agree. After he sits at squat, touching the water by hand and frankly watching me under the water. Then I am lie down on the sofa. All of the body in the water, and head over the water. Fell asleep for a couple of hours. It turned out that he not left me. He immediately sat on the edge of sofa and I began to feel his hands on my naked body, so incredibly gentle touch. He slides along my neck, chest, stomach and ... Excitation is very strong, I cannot convey in words. I have already understand what's going on, but stopping impossible:)

P.S. Very similar dream I have dreamed long time ago. But there cave was without water, and all things like in the Stone Age. There were spread out skin of animals on the floor and live fire burns. Dressed in ancient leather clothing I was the keeper of the hearth. Similar man came here on the horse, which tied near the entrance of cave. It was incredibly romantic dream, therefore I remember it still.
лошадь , кавалерия , конь , конница , рама , станок , козлы , включение пустой породы в руде , героин , лошадиный , конный , конский , грубый , поставлять лошадей , садиться на лошадь , ехать верхом [horse]

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